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Free Medical Imaging Software

"Medical imaging research is complex, time-consuming and often very expensive, with a wide range of standards, equipment and software available. Worse, medical researchers can find themselves unable to share data easily with colleagues—something that they need to do constantly in order to improve understanding for diagnosis and treatment. Two enterprising medical doctors addressed this problem and came up with a Macintosh-only solution called OsiriX that is changing how many in the field examine and share scanned images, medical image data and visualizations. It’s powerful, fully integrated with many Apple applications and hardware, and it’s open source, so others can contribute to the expansion and refinement of the tool. And, it’s freely available for download and use. "
For more information on OsiriX, see the OsiriX website.
Free Medical Imaging Software Reviewed by Sumer Sethi on Friday, October 20, 2006 Rating: 5


Peng Hui Lee said...

I have been using Osirix for some time and it's good.
For a comprehensive list of free imaging software, visit this site

Anonymous said...

A great piece of free software is Conquest PACS server. It is quite powerful and robust, certainly worth checking out.

mdgattuso said...

I was having difficulty managing images and paperwork so I recently implemented a medical records system in my practice. It was a real task going through all the different solutions. I eventually narrowed it down to eClinicalWorks, e-MDs. It is great for keeping track of everything from the day to day to new medical breakthroughs. This EMR eBook from EMR Software was a great help.

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